An Overview of Process Control

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Process control is defined as both a statistic and an engineering discipline. It concerns the maintenance of a desired output given a desired range. Internet sites assert that process control is also called, or is related to control theory. In process control, different areas are considered, such as the mechanisms, algorithms, architectures, components, and other things, depending on what to maintain and how it is done.


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A site recommends that knowledge in Mathematics, especially the sub-branch of calculus, is also considered here, since calculus is the mathematics of change. Technology and automation can help in process control in such a way that manual process control is no longer needed due to the presence of the products of technology that can do the job for the people. Simple examples of process control systems include thermostats, especially those found in automation systems, and braking systems.

A site asserts that a variety of solving techniques is necessary for process control. Applying the different principles in calculus can help in determining what circumstances need to be achieved for a certain goal. This obviously depends on what type of process control is to be done. Say for example, a site made an example out of a robotics-related industry. Computations are being used to forecast the process control to be used on the robots, such as linear relationships, application of some physics concepts, etc. Mathematics here can also be used in a statistical way in terms of the quantity of produced goods for a certain period of time.

Now, process control can be done through the insertion of computers and other gadgets of automation into the processes concerned. For example, a laptop inserted into a gadget can now monitor processes, production, defects, and so on. A site now endorses wireless process management which can monitor conditions and circumstances which cannot be controlled only by manual means. Wireless process management can reach as far as the areas of the business that are considered to be remote or far away.

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